Day Three: Helmet Freakout

A kid freaked out during his Butter Mouse experience today. 

Link warned me on my first morning this might happen (cannot believe that was only three days ago!). I did not expect to use my training so soon. He said leave them a few minutes, and everything will be fine. That the Butter Mouse knows what she is doing.

His parents wanted to pull him out of course. Must be scary when your son’s eyes roll into the back of their head, and their hands conduct invisible orchestras. I stuck to my line of telling them his screening was nearly over. That we do not let guests do anything dangerous at the Stitch. He was towards the bottom end of the minimum age bracket for using the helmet anyway, so they must have expected something. I do not think I would let my kids use the machine that young. But hey, I have not even had a go yet. 

Afterwards we got them cooled down with complimentary cherry ices (my suggestion) from the vending bear, and the boy chatted about what a nice time he had looking at carousels. Pretty clever that he knew what a carousel was. Bit of a tricky patch when his Mum asked a load of questions about the ragged fin, and how we aimed to fix it. I extrapolated on what little I knew. Still lots to learn.

My first night shift today as well. Have seen the Stitch at night before from afar, but up close was a new world. So much of the sea life glows and sparkles. Golden teeth become visible under the moonlight. Scrubbing the glass was like watching a drone show. 

Deni worked the night shift too. We have not spoken yet. They cannot even go in the water, so I am not 100% sure how they ended up here. Their stomach makes this weird hissing noise sometimes, and I worry they are going to keel over. Was this what Mum meant by office politics?

Something else fun today too. About once a week, a few seconds of footage gets spat out of the Butter Mouse card deck. Link said they contained nothing but scrap memories, and I should chuck them in the rubbish. I asked if I could keep it, and although he raised his eyebrows after my question, he shrugged, and said no harm. Thought they might be cool souvenirs for the year! Curious to show the gang when we meet up again. 

I have embedded the clip below, and written a description of the content. Fun memento, even if technically junk. 

Back on the work train tomorrow. Excited, but knackered already. 

Clip Content: Old style buildings at night. A hint of hills, and other buildings? Must be imaginary. Perhaps from a historian. Beautiful Butter Mouse call at least.